New! “ADHD Friendly Ways To Manage Money” Videos and Group Coaching!

Do you find yourself buying things on impulse…and then buying more to help with the shame and guilt you feel? Do you avoid answering the phone, because it might be your credit card company? Have you tried and tried to create a budget, only to abandon it in a week or two?

Research shows that ADHDers have more issues with money management that neurotypicals. This is due to difficulties with time management, organization, impulsivity…and wanting the dopamine boost that finding that great deal might give you. ADHDers often have no savings, huge credit card balances, and low credit scores – and feel incredible anxiety about their situations.

But…help is here!! As an ADHD Life Coach, as well as an experienced Wall Street financial analyst with a Masters Degree in Business/Finance, I’ve been using my skills and knowledge to help clients with their financial chaos and instability. And now, I’m making it available to everyone! My “ADHD Friendly Ways To Manage Your Money” course gives you:

  • Ten short videos, covering your relationship with money, spending, savings, debt, budgeting, and managing conflict about money in relationships.
  • Notes that you can fill in, and then save as a PDF or print.
  • Materials that I’ve used myself, as well as given to clients, to get you on the road to financial security FAST!
  • Access to WEEKLY group coaching, in a judgement free atmosphere, to get your questions answered, and encouragement from me, and others just like you.
  • And if you would like more support, that is available too!

All of this for one year, for $349! And if you purchase by the end of 2024, you can get $100 off the price, as an introductory gift!